Monday, July 6, 2009
Life History
Gar move slowly unless trying to catch food, which it grabs in its jaws in a quick sideways lunge. They often bask near the water's surface on warm days. Fry feed primarily on insect larvae and tiny crustaceans, but fish appear on the diet of young gar very early. Prey is usually swallowed headfirst. Spotted gar are eaten by larger fish, alligators, herons, and cottonmouth snakes.
Gar have a specialized swim bladder which allows them to gulp air and live in the poorly oxygenated back waters of Texas' streams, swamps and lakes. Lepisosteus is Greek and means "bony scale", referring to the large ganoid scales. Oculatus means "provided with eyes" in Latin and refers to the dark spots on head, body, and fins. The common name, gar, is rooted in the Anglo-Saxon language and means "spear." The roe (or egg mass) is highly toxic to humans, animals, and birds.
Spotted gar prefer clear, quiet, vegetated waters of streams, swamps and lakes. They sometimes enter brackish waters along the Gulf Coast.
Spotted gar are very widespread, and can be found from central Texas east into western Florida. Their territory extends north through the Mississippi River drainage into Illinois, the lower Ohio River, and the Lake Erie drainage.
The spotted gar is one of three gar species native to Texas. They are primitive fish and date back to the Cretaceous period, some 65 to 100 million years ago. The ancestors of spotted gar swam with the dinosaurs! A large gar can eat a lot of fish, including catfish, causing them to compete with some anglers. Because of the competition and because many people think gar are difficult to clean, gar are sometimes called a "trash" fish. This term may not be warranted when you consider that spotted gar, like all native species, have an important role to play in their ecosystem.

Latin Name: Hydrolagus colliei
Family: chimaeridae
Identification: Broad, flat, duckbill shaped snout containing incisor shaped teeth. Large eyes. Prominent, venomous spine at leading edge of dorsal fin. Tapering tail constitutes almost half overall length. Coloration brown or grey with white spots. Skin smooth and scaleless. Can give off an iridescent, silvery sheen. Triangular pectoral fins well developed. Fins grey or dark.
Size: up to 97cm in length.
Habitat: Sand and mud bottoms and sometimes rocky reefs. from 0 to 3000ft.
Abundance and distribution: From Southeastern Alaska to Central Baja. Common from British Columbia to Northern California.
Behavior: Swims slowly across sand in search of prey. Crushes clams, crabs, and shrimp etc. in forward facing "incisors". Food located primarily by smell. Uses its pectoral fins for locomotion.
Reproduction: Oviparous. After elaborate courtship rituals the female lays a spoon shaped egg capsule. The extrusion process can last 18 to 30 hours and the capsule is retained on thin tendrils for between four to six days until finally caught on the seabed or planted in the sand.
Reaction to divers: During the day moves slowly. With patience it is possible to get quite close. Although able to inflict a mildly toxic wound, it is not aggressive and prefers to maintain a safe distance.
Diving logistics: In British Columbia this Chimaera is quite easy to find. One very nice dive is off of the Ogden Point breakwater. This is a 1km long jetty that runs away from shore into about 120ft of water. From about 2/3rds of the way along, the water is deep enough to support ratfish. To find them simply take a compass reading away from the breakwater and head directly out into the sand. The terrain is fairly featureless and unappealing but supports a reasonable number of ratfish. I have seen about 10 ratfish within a few minutes here at about 80ft in November. Ogden Point Breakwater has a full service dive shop at its base and offers air and nitrox fills. The walk out can be a bit challenging in full gear. The breakwater itself offers excellent shore diving with opportunities to see wolf eels and giant pacific octopuses. Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) may be encountered at the far end of the breakwater but this area is deep and current swept.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The body of the balloonfish is covered in long, sharp spines that extend when the fish inflates by taking in water. All members of the Family Diodontidae are capable of inflation, and may also change in color when threatened.
World Range & Habitat
Circumtropical in distribution. These fish are found in the Western Atlantic from Florida, USA to the Bahamas and Brazil, in the Eastern Atlantic around 30°N-23°S, and in South Africa. In the Eastern Pacific from Hawaii to Pitcairn and the Easter Islands, and from southern California, US to Colombia and the Galápagos Islands. They are reef fish with a depth range of 2-100 m.

Balloonfish are nocturnal predators, generally hiding in crevices in the reef during the day. The teeth are fused forming a strong, beak-like mouth for consuming snails, sea urchins, and hermit crabs. These fish are relatively poor swimmers. Juveniles are consumed by pelagic predatory fishes such as tuna and dolphins. Adults fall prey to sharks.
Life History
Reproduces via dioecism (sexes are separate), fertilization is external with a spawning frequency of one clear seasonal peak per year.
The balloonfish has a pelagic life stage. Spawning occurs after males slowly push females to the surface. The eggs are buoyant, hatching after approximately 4 days. The larvae are well developed with a functional mouth, eyes, and a swim bladder. They are predominately yellow with scattered red spots, and are covered with a thin shell until they are about 10 days old, after which the shell is lost and the spines begin to form. Approximately 3 weeks after hatching, the fins and fin rays are present and the teeth are formed. As juveniles, they develop their olive to brown color with dark spots appearing on the ventral side that serve as camouflage for juveniles floating in Sargassum weed. The spotting is retained until the juveniles move inshore and become adults.

Formosa Wrasse Adult is a salt water fish that is found in the Indo Pacific regions. It is a medium maintenance fish and can be handled by moderately trained aquarist. This is a moderately hardy fish. Formosa Wrasse adult requires a 150 gallon or larger aquarium with a 4-6 inch layer of sand in which to bury itself. Be sure to have some sort of covering with no large open holes that they can escape from. Formosa Wrasse adult is an excellent hunter and will leave no rock unturned (literally) in search of food. The Formosa Wrasse adult will eat urchins, crabs, shrimp, and small invertebrates. The diet should consist of seafoods, brine or mysid shrimp, live black worms, and flaked foods.

Maximum Size: The Formosa Wrasse adult grows up to 24 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Formosa Wrasse adult prefers a tank of at least 150 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). Formosa Wrasse adult prefers high light. The tank set up may be gravel or sand bed in which to sleep or hide in when frightened.
Habitat: Range: Indo Pacific
Feeding and Diet: The Formosa Wrasse adult is a carnivore and likes to eat Variety of meaty treats including frozen mysis, saltwater feeder shrimp, squid, scallop clam and other crustaceans.
Friday, June 19, 2009

It is said the moorish idol got its name from the Moors of Africa, who purportedly believe the fish to be a bringer of happiness. Moorish idols are also popular aquarium fish, but despite their popularity, they are notorious for their short aquarium lifespans and difficulty.
Physical description
With distinctively compressed and disk-like bodies, moorish idols stand out in contrasting bands of black, white and yellow which make them look very attractive to aquarium keepers. The fish have relatively small fins, except for the dorsal fin whose 6 or 7 spines are dramatically elongated to form a trailing, sickle-shaped crest called the philomantis extension. Moorish idols have small terminal mouths at the end of long, tubular snouts; many long bristle-like teeth line the mouth.
The eyes are set high on the fish's deeply-keeled bodies; in adults, perceptible bumps are located above each. The anal fin may have 2 or 3 spines. Moorish idols reach a maximum length of 23 cm. The sickle-like dorsal spines actually shorten with age.
Habitat and diet
Generally denizens of shallow waters, moorish idols prefer flat reefs. The fish may be found at depths from 3 to 180 m, in both murky and clear conditions. The range of the moorish idol includes East Africa, Indian Ocean and the Ducie Islands; Hawaii, southern Japan and all of Micronesia; they are also found from the southern Gulf of California south to Peru.
Sponges, tunicates and other benthic invertebrates constitute the bulk of the moorish idol's diet. Captive kept moorish idols typically are very picky eaters. They will either eat nothing (common) and perish or eat everything (very uncommon). Eating a variety of items is healthy. Even small portions of avocado and banana are sometimes fed in captivity.

Often glimpsed alone, moorish idols will also form pairs or occasionally small schools. They are diurnal fish, sticking to the bottom of the reef at night and adopting a drab coloration. Like the butterflyfishes, moorish idols mate for life; as juveniles, they are more apt to school. Adult males tend to be aggressive toward one another.
Moorish idols are pelagic spawners; that is, eggs and sperm are released in midwater and the fertilized eggs are left to drift away with the currents. The impressive range of these fish may be explained by the unusually long larval stage; the fish reach a length of 7.5 cm before becoming free-swimming juveniles. Before this time, the developing larvae will have drifted considerable distances.
Aquarium life
Moorish idols are notorious for being difficult to maintain in captivity. They require enormous tanks, often exceeding 200 U.S. gal, are voracious eaters, and are infamous for becoming incredibly destructive. Their captive survival rate is very low: most do not survive for a full year. Most that live past this mark typically die shortly thereafter. It is not recommended that any aquarist attempt to keep this species, because it is considered cruel by many and is nearly impossible (see diet). To avoid these shortfalls, some aquarists prefer to keep substitute species that look very similar to the Moorish Idol. These substitutes are all butterflyfishes of the genus Heniochus, and include the pennant coralfish, Heniochus acuminatus; threeband pennantfish, H. chrysostomus; and the false moorish idol, H. diphreutes.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Primary habitat is coral reefs in lagoons, on reef flats, and on protected seaward reefs. Juveniles associate with Acropora corals. Depth range is 3.3–148 ft (1–45 m, perhaps up to 100 m).
Red Sea and East Africa eastward through Indonesia to Marquesas, northward to southern Japan. Including Tuamotus, southern Korea, north to the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan, south to Australia and Lord Howe Island, and off southern Africa in the Atlantic. Tropical and subtropical waters.
Feed all kinds of live and frozen foods. The boxfish also eats greenstuffs. Best to feed small amounts several times a day. We generally feed squid, shrimp (the same kind people eat), mussels, and all kinds of chopped up fish. Be sure to wash these foods thoroughly before feeding. A good vegetable formula like Formula II is also beneficial. Live fish will also be taken but should not be fed exclusively.

Cowfish, Longhorn Cowfish, or Long-horned Cowfish are found in the Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Marquesan and Tuamoto islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. Inhabits inshore on coastal muddy or sandy habitats in still bays, and commonly found in harbours and estuaries. Small juveniles on protected shallow mudflats. Found in weedy areas near rocks or reefs. Juveniles often near river mouths and in brackish water. Adults are solitary, juveniles often form small groups. Large adults are shy. Feeds on benthic invertebrates by blowing away the sand
There is no known sexual dimorphism, so both male and female display a yellow to olive base color, which is decorated with white or bluish spots. Paired courtship just before or after sunset. Eggs and larvae are pelagic.
One distinction from other fish is the lack of a gill cover, which is replaced by a small slit or hole. The hexagonal plate-like scales of these fish are fused together into a solid, triangular, box-like carapace, from which the fins and tail protrude. Their unique method of swimming, called ostraciform swimming, causes them to look as if they are hovering. They have no pelvic skeleton, so they lack pelvic fins. They are such slow swimmers cowfish are easily caught by hand, making a grunting noise when captured. This is the most well-known cowfish species in the aquarium trade.
If severely stressed, this species may be able to exude deadly toxin, ostracitoxin, an ichthyotoxic, hemolytic, heat-stable, non-dialyzable, non-protein poison in the mucous secretions of their skin. It is apparently unique among known fish poisons; it is toxic to boxfish and resembles red tide and sea cucumber toxins in general properties.
All kinds of meaty foods and greenstuffs. A bottom feeder. Puffers are primarily predatory fish in the wild though they do graze on a bit of algae. This puffer will enjoy all kinds of meaty foods including shrimp, worms, clams, various mussels, snails, tunicates, and fish.They are not picky eaters and will quickly become adapted to a variety of prepared aquarium foods and an occasional algae wafer. Flake food is not recommended. Even though they may eat it, puffers will not thrive on it.
Social Behaviors:
Apparently this fish is sometimes aggressive and sometimes not. Keep an eye on newcomers with an established boxfish and any new boxfish that are added to the aquarium.
Sex: Sexual differences:
Apparently many boxfish are easy to sex but we haven't found this information yet.
Light: Recommended light levels:
No special requirements.
No special requirements. Normal temperatures for marine fish is between 74 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Length/Diameter of fish:
Cowfish, Longhorn Cowfish, or Long-horned Cowfish adults can grow to 50.0 cm (20 inches). They usually only get about 40.0 cm (16 inches) in aquariums. Their size can be deceiving since they are usually very small at the pet stores.
Minimum Tank Length/Size:
A minimum 100 gallon aquarium is recommended.
Water Movement: Weak, Moderate, Strong
No special requirements.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom
No special requirements.
This fish is available from time to time.
The body is elongated and covered with small, scarcely visible scales; the back is an iridescent blue-green, while the sides are silvery, with a pattern of vertical blue bars. These colors fade rapidly at death. The mouth is large, and both the upper and lower jaws have a somewhat sharper appearance than those of king or Spanish mackerel. Specimens have been recorded at up to 2.5 m (8 ft) in length, and weighing up to 83 kg (180 lb).[3] Growth can be rapid. One specimen tagged at 5 kg (11 lb) grew to 15 kg (33 lb) in one year. Wahoo can swim up to 80 km/h (50 mph), Firestein and Walters, 1969. They are one of the fastest fish in the sea.
The wahoo may be distinguished from the related king mackerel by a fold of skin which covers the mandible when its mouth is closed. In contrast, the mandible of the king mackerel is always visible as is also the case for Spanish and Cero mackerels. Their teeth are similar to those of king mackerel, but shorter and more closely set together. Do not get the Wahoo confused with the barracuda. They may look alike but in reality they are much different.
Wahoo tend to be solitary or occur in loose-knit groups of two or three fish, rather than in schools. Their diet consists essentially of other fish and squid.
Most wahoo taken have a trematode parasite (Hirudinella ventricosa) living in their stomach. It appears to do no harm to the fish.

The flesh of the wahoo is delicate and white and regarded as very good in quality. This has created some demand for the wahoo as a premium priced commercial food fish. However, because of its solitary lifestyle, it is caught commercially only in the process with long-line fishery for tuna and dolphin (Mahi-mahi or dorado). Wherever found, it is a prized catch in sport fishing.
Friday, June 12, 2009

Electric eels have an elongated, cylindrical body, typically growing to about 2 m (about 6 feet) in length, and 20 kg (about 44 pounds) in weight, making them the largest species of the Gymnotiformes. The coloration is dark gray-brown on the back and yellow or orange on the belly. Mature males have a darker color on the belly. They have no scales. The mouth is square, and positioned right at the end of the snout. The anal fin extends the length of the body to the tip of the tail. As in other ostariophysan fishes, the swim bladder has two chambers. The anterior chamber is connected to the inner ear by a series of small bones derived from neck vertebrae called the Weberian apparatus which greatly enhances their hearing capability. The posterior chamber extends along the whole length of the body and is used in buoyancy. Electrophorus has a well developed sense of hearing. Electric eels have a vascularized respiratory organ in their oral cavity (Albert, 2001). These fish are obligate air-breathers; rising to the surface every 10 minutes or so, the animal will gulp air before returning to the bottom. Nearly 80% of the oxygen used by the fish is taken in this way. Despite its name, the electric eel is not closely related to true eels (Anguilliformes) but is a member of the Neotropical knifefishes (Gymnotiformes), more closely related to catfishes.

The electric eel has three abdominal pairs of organs that produce electricity: the Main organ, the Hunter's organ, and the Sachs organ. These organs comprise four-fifths of its body. These organs are made of electrocytes, lined up so that the current flows through them and produces an electrical charge. When the eel locates its prey, the brain sends a signal through the nervous system to the electric cells. This opens the ion channel, allowing positively-charged sodium to flow through, reversing the charges momentarily. By causing a sudden difference in voltage, it generates a current. The electric eel generates its characteristic electrical pulse in a manner similar to a battery, in which stacked plates produce an electrical charge. In the electric eel, some 5,000 to 6,000 stacked electroplaques are capable of producing a shock at up to 500 volts and 1 ampere of current (500 watts). The organs give the electric eel the ability to generate two types of electric organ discharges (EODs), low voltage and high voltage. The shock could be deadly for an adult human.
The Sachs organ is associated with electrolocation. Inside the organ are many muscle-like cells, called electrocytes. Each cell can only produce 0.15V, though working together the organ transmits a signal of about 10V in amplitude at around 25 Hz. These signals are what is emitted by the Main organ and Hunter's organ that can be emitted at rates of several hundred Hz. These high voltage EODs may reach up to 650 volts. The electric eel is unique among the gymnotiforms in having large electric organs capable of producing lethal discharges that allows them to stun prey. There are reports of animals producing larger voltages, but the typical output is sufficient to stun or deter virtually any other animal. Juveniles produce smaller voltages (about 100 volts). Electric eels are capable of varying the intensity of the electrical discharge, using lower discharges for "hunting" and higher intensities for stunning prey, or defending themselves. When agitated, it is capable of producing these intermittent electrical shocks over a period of at least an hour without signs of tiring. The species is of some interest to researchers, who make use of its acetylcholinesterase and ATP. The electric eel also possesses high-frequency sensitive tuberous receptors patchily distributed over the body that seem useful for hunting other Gymnotiformes. Electric eels have been widely used as a model in the study of bioelectrogenesis.
Researchers at Yale University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), applying modern engineering design tools to one of the basic units of life, argue that artificial cells could be built that not only replicate the electrical behavior of electric eel cells but in fact improve on them. Artificial versions of the eel's electricity generating cells could be developed as a power source for medical implants and other tiny devices.
Electric eels inhabit fresh waters of the Amazon and Orinoco river and the basins in South America, in river floodplains, swamps, coastal plains, and creeks. They tend to live on muddy bottoms in calm water and in stagnant arms of rivers.
Feeding ecology
Electric eels feed on invertebrates, while adult eels feed on fish and small mammals. First-born hatchlings will even prey on other eggs and embryos from later batches. The younglings will eat invertebrates such as crab and shrimp. When they reach adult hood they consume amphibians and occasionally birds.
The electric eel is also known for its unusual breeding behaviour. In the dry season, a male eel makes a nest from his saliva into which the female lays her eggs. As many as 17,000 young will hatch from the eggs in one nest.
In zoos and private collection
These fish have always been high on the list of brave animal collectors, but catching one isn't easy, so the only option was to make the eels tire themselves with continual discharging. Some unlucky horses or mules were driven into a pool of water harbouring the fish and there they received enough shocks to at least knock them out. The fish's batteries would eventually drain allowing the collectors to wade into the water in comparative safety.
Taxonomic history
The species is so unusual that it has been reclassified several times. Originally it was given its own family Electrophoridae, and then placed in a genus of Gymnotidae alongside Gymnotus. Electric Eels will not be found in salt waters, due to the salt having a protonic effect on the eel's charge causing it to naturally short-circuit.

The Copperband Butterflyfish can do well with a variety of other less aggressive species in a fish only community tank. It is aggressive towards others of its own kind and possibly towards other Chelmon species. It will usually be fine with other butterflyfish species but an occasional adult may become aggressive. Keeping this butterflyfish in a reef environment however, is a judgment call. Success will depend on what other types of reef inhabitants you are keeping, as well as your individual Copperband Butterflyfish's tendencies. They are not generally coral feeders, but may nip at the polyps of large polyp stony corals...and they enjoy polychaete worms.
Habitat: Natural geographic location:
The Copperband Butterflyfish or Beaked Coralfish was described by Linnaeus in 1758. It was first collected in the Indian Ocean and was described as Chaetodon rostratus. They are found in the Northeastern Indian Ocean and the West Pacific; Andaman Sea to the Ryukyu Islands, Southeast Asia to the Great Barrier Reef, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. One record of an adult specimen from southern Honshu, Japan was made but it seems a waif from the Ryukyu Islands or perhaps was due to an aquarium release.
In their natural habitat they are observed singly or as a pair of adults in coastal and inner reefs, and also estuaries. Juveniles can be observed alone or in a small group. This species dwells at the depths between 3 - 82 feet (1 - 25 meters).
These fish are not listed on the IUCN Red List.
The body of the adult Copperband Butterflyfish is silvery white overall with four vertical orange bands on the side, each with a blackish edge. The first passes through the eye and the last is obscured on the top and bottom. The dorsal and anal fins are white, edged in yellow with a bluish submarginal line. The body bands extend across the fins and there is a black ocellus in the upper portion of the last band that has a bluish white circle basally. The caudal fin is whitish fading to translucent, and there is a vertical black line on the peduncle with an orangish band just behind the black. The pelvic fins are orange with a vertical white bar centrally.
Juveniles are very similar but the ocellus on the dorsal fin is larger, and the orange bars are more conspicuous with each edged by black.
The Copperband Butterfly is very similar in appearance to its close relative the Margined Butterflyfish C. marginalis. As adults these two species can be differentiated by their color pattern, however as juveniles they are virtually identical. As the Margined Butterflyfish matures, the narrow mid body bar disappears and the ocellus becomes obscure. It is thought that these two species may hybridize in areas where they co-occur.

Adults reach 7.8 inches (20 cm), but most specimens available are are less than 5 1/2 inches (14 cm).
Maintenance difficulty:
Keeping the Copperband Butterflyfish varies between the individuals. Some will quickly accept fresh and frozen foods and be easy to maintain. Others will refuse to eat initially, but may be enticed to eat live foods offered in a way that simulates their natural feeding environment. Yet still, other individuals will refuse foods entirely and ultimately perish. Juveniles tend to accept various foods and so can often be more adaptable to aquarium life than adults.
Many of the Chaetodon members are often very colorful and attractive to aquarists. Unfortunately some of them are rather difficult to keep for a long period. Some are exclusively coral eaters, and sometimes they suffer from “ich” (white spot disease) and other infectious diseases.They can be treated successfully with medical care or copper drugs, but some species hate sudden changes of water including PH, temperature, or any drug treatment.
The Copperband Butterflyfish will often suffer from Lymphocystis. Many can be treated successfully with medical care or copper drugs, though severely infected specimens will not survive.
In the wild a cleaner wrasse (Labroides sp.) will help them by taking parasites from their bodies, however these wrasses are extremely difficult to sustain in captivity. Alternative fish such as Neon Gobies (Gobiosoma spp.) can help them by providing this cleaning service in the home aquarium.
Social Behaviors:
Keeping the Copperband Butterflyfish in a reef environment is a judgment call. Success will depend on the individual fish as well as what types of reef inhabitants you are keeping. In his excellent book, Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes: Reef Fishes Series, author Scott W. Michael says that many of the soft corals with the exception of some of the zeniids, clavularids, and zoanthids can be fine, and also many small polyped stony corals though it may nip on the large polyped stony corals. A pro to keeping it in a reef tank is that some individuals will munch on those pesky Aiptasia species, the glass anemones. A con to keeping it in a reef is that polychaete worms are a favorite (and natural) food, and it will most likely have a heyday with them. Many aquarists report that when kept well fed, their Copperband Butterflyfish doesn't bother any of their reef species.
It can do well in a large fish only community tank that is well decorated with large furnishings such as table corals where it can rest and lie motionless. It is a not an overly aggressive fish, but it is territorial and will be aggressive towards other members of its own kind, and sometimes other butterflyfish in its same genus, Chelmon. Not-so-aggressive angelfish like members of Centropyge, Apolemichthys, Genicanthus, Chaetodontoplus and Pygoplites can be good tank mates. Smaller, non-aggressive fishes like cardinalfish, gobies, tilefish, sometimes other species butterflyfish, fairy basslets, fairy and flasher wrasses, etc. also are good candidates as tank mates.
It may not do well with large or aggressive fish. Seeing it dart into hiding is a good indication that it is feeling threatened and the situation may need to be remedied with one of the fish being removed. The large and rather territorial angelfish, Pomacanthus and Holacanthus should be avoided as should most damselfish species. Small but very territorial fishes like dottybacks should also be avoided as well as such fish as basses or scorpionfish, even if they are small.
Sex: Sexual differences:
No sexual difference is noted for this species. Butterflyfish species studied up to this time indicate that these fish are gonochoristic, meaning that each fish is either a male or a female and they do not change sex.
This species has not been cultivated in captivity. Marine butterflyfish have not reportedly been spawned successfully in captivity. There are, however, reports of some success in rearing wild collected larvae of some of the corallivorous butterflyfish. It is hoped these captive reared fish will be adapted to accept aquarium foods, and thus broaden the species selections that can be sustained in captivity.
Friday, May 29, 2009

• The mucus coating of the fish may be based on sugars rather than proteins. This would mean that anemones fail to recognize the fish as a potential food source and do not fire their nematocysts, or sting organelles.
• The coevolution of certain species of anemonefish with specific anemone host species and may have acquired an immunity to the nematocysts and toxins of their host anemone. Experimentation has shown that Amphiprion percula may develop resistance to the toxin from Heteractis magnifica, but it is not totally protected, since it was shown experimentally to die when its skin, devoid of mucus, was exposed to the nematocysts of its host.
Anemonefish live in small groups inhabiting a single anemone. The group consist of a breeding pair, which cohabit with a few non-reproductive, "pre-pubescent", and smaller male anemonefish. When the female dies, the dominant male changes sex and becomes the female. This life history strategy is known as sequential hermaphroditism. Because clownfish are all born as males, they are protandrous hermaphrodites (pro=first; androus=male).This is in contrast with another form of hermaphroditism, known as protogyny, in which all fish are born as females but can change to males later.
Depending on the species, clownfish can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs. Clownfish were the first type of marine ornamental fish to be successfully bred in captivity on a large scale. It is one of a handful of marine ornamentals whose complete life cycle has been successfully completed in captivity.
In the aquarium
Clownfish are a popular fish for reef aquariums of 10 gallons or more. Clownfish are now tank-bred to lower the number taken from the wild. Wild-caught tropical fishes are more likely to die within a week of purchase, due to catching methods like dynamite fishing and nets with "rockhoppers." Compared to wild-caught clownfish, tank-bred clownfish are more disease resistant and also less affected by stress when introduced to the aquarium.
When a sea anemone is not available in an aquarium, they may settle in some varieties of soft corals, or large polyp stony corals. If the fish settles in a coral, it could agitate the fish's skin, and, in some cases, may kill the coral. Once an anemone or coral has been adopted, the clownfish will defend it. As there is less pressure to forage for food in an aquarium, it is common for clownfish to remain within 2-4 inches of their host for an entire lifetime.
Clownfish that are far removed from their parents through captive breeding may not have the same instinctual behavior to live in an anemone. They may have to be coaxed into finding the anemone by the home aquarist. Even then, there is no guarantee that the anemone will host the clownfish.

• Genus Amphiprion:
o Amphiprion akallopisos – Skunk clownfish
o Amphiprion akindynos – Barrier Reef Anemonefish
o Amphiprion allardi – Twobar anemonefish
o Amphiprion bicinctus – Twoband anemonefish
o Amphiprion chagosensis – Chagos anemonefish
o Amphiprion chrysogaster – Mauritian anemonefish
o Amphiprion chrysopterus – Orange-fin anemonefish
o Amphiprion clarkii – Yellowtail clownfish
o Amphiprion ephippium – Saddle anemonefish
o Amphiprion frenatus – Tomato clownfish
o Amphiprion fuscocaudatus – Seychelles anemonefish
o Amphiprion latezonatus – Wide-band Anemonefish
o Amphiprion latifasciatus – Madagascar anemonefish
o Amphiprion leucokranos – Whitebonnet anemonefish
o Amphiprion mccullochi – Whitesnout anemonefish
o Amphiprion melanopus – Fire clownfish
o Amphiprion nigripes – Maldive anemonefish
o Amphiprion ocellaris – Clown anemonefish
o Amphiprion omanensis – Oman anemonefish
o Amphiprion percula – Orange clownfish
o Amphiprion perideraion – Pink skunk clownfish
o Amphiprion polymnus – Saddleback clownfish
o Amphiprion rubacinctus – Red Anemonefish
o Amphiprion sandaracinos – Yellow clownfish
o Amphiprion sebae – Sebae anemonefish
o Amphiprion thiellei – Thielle's anemonefish
o Amphiprion tricinctus – Three-band anemonefish
• Genus Premnas:
o Premnas biaculeatus – Maroon clownfish
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The surgeonfish is so named for the scalpel sharp blades that are found on their bodies. The location of these protrusions differs tremendously with the varied genera. In some surgeon fish, such as the unicorn fish, these razor like blades do not move, but appear as a bony curve that is quite poisonous. With the unicorn fish this curved blade appears like a horn of a unicorn pointing forward from the nose. There are also three oval shaped bumps on each side of the tail that can inflict a painful cut. In other species the horn is replace with a single large bump above the nose area but this is equally as sharp. In some species of the tang the well-defined blade moves quite freely when needed. As these species calmly swim the blade is tucked inside a groove on their body. But the moment they are threatened the blade comes out from the rear of the fish, point forward and ready to cut. When these surgeonfish are threatened by other species they will swim beside the intruder swinging their tails to inflict cuts. When their aim is accurate the intruder will receive long, deeply slicing cuts. When humans handle surgeonfish, extreme caution should be taken. Many an unsuspecting person has received deep wounds to their hands when attempting to remove this fish from a net or openly handle it.
In recent years the surgeonfish has become highly popular as an aquarium specimen due to their brilliant color patterns and interesting behavior. Most ocean species are algae-eaters that clean the coral reef with their teeth. Kept in an aquarium these fish seem to thrive when fed a steady diet of algae, small shrimp and mussels. One important aspect of using the surgeonfish in an aquarium is how they relate to other fish. This fish should never be kept in a small tank with other fish, even of its own species, since the constant contact caused by such a crowded space will be cause enough for this fish to view its tank mates as a threat. In the waters off

The distinctive characteristic of the family is the spines, one or more on either side of the tail, which are dangerously sharp. Both the dorsal and anal fins are large, extending for most of the length of the body. The small mouths have a single row of teeth used for grazing on algae.[1]
Most species are relatively small and have a maximum length of 15-40 cm (6-16 in), but some members of the genus Acanthurus, some members of the genus Prionurus, and most members of the genus Naso can grow larger, with the whitemargin unicornfish (N. annulatus), the largest species in the family, reaching a length of up to a meter (3,3 ft). These fishes can grow quickly in aquariums so it is advisable to check the average growth size and suitability before adding to a marine aquarium.
• Genus Acanthurus
o Achilles tang, Acanthurus achilles Shaw, 1803.
o Whitefin surgeonfish, Acanthurus albipectoralis Allen & Ayling, 1987.
o Orange-socket surgeonfish, Acanthurus auranticavus Randall, 1956.
o Ocean surgeon, Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau, 1855.
o Black-spot surgeonfish, Acanthurus bariene Lesson, 1831.
o Ringtail surgeonfish, Acanthurus blochii Valenciennes, 1835.
o Doctorfish tang, Acanthurus chirurgus (Bloch, 1787).
o Chronixis surgeonfish, Acanthurus chronixis Randall, 1960.
o Atlantic Blue tang surgeonfish, Acanthurus coeruleus Bloch & Schneider, 1801.tfytfyt
o Eyestripe surgeonfish, Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes, 1835.
o Fowler's surgeonfish, Acanthurus fowleri de Beaufort, 1951.
o Black surgeonfish, Acanthurus gahhm (Forsskål, 1775).
o Finelined surgeonfish, Acanthurus grammoptilus Richardson, 1843.
o Whitespotted surgeonfish, Acanthurus guttatus Forster, 1801.
o Japan surgeonfish, Acanthurus japonicus (Schmidt, 1931).
o Palelipped surgeonfish, Acanthurus leucocheilus Herre, 1927.
o Whitebar surgeonfish, Acanthurus leucopareius (Jenkins, 1903).
o Powderblue surgeonfish, Acanthurus leucosternon Bennett, 1833.
o Lined surgeonfish, Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758).
o White-freckled surgeonfish, Acanthurus maculiceps] (Ahl, 1923).
o Elongate surgeonfish, Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829).
o Monrovia doctorfish, Acanthurus monroviae Steindachner, 1876.
o Whitecheek surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigricans (Linnaeus, 1758).
o Epaulette surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigricauda Duncker & Mohr, 1929.
o Brown surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forsskål, 1775).
o Bluelined surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigroris Valenciennes, 1835.
o Bluelined surgeon, Acanthurus nubilus (Fowler & Bean, 1929).
o Orangespot surgeonfish, Acanthurus olivaceus Bloch & Schneider, 1801.
o Black-barred surgeonfish, Acanthurus polyzona (Bleeker, 1868).
o Chocolate surgeonfish, Acanthurus pyroferus Kittlitz, 1834.
o Gulf surgeonfish, Acanthurus randalli Briggs & Caldwell, 1957.
o Acanthurus reversus Randall & Earle, 1999.
o Sohal surgeonfish, Acanthurus sohal (Forsskål, 1775).
o Doubleband surgeonfish, Acanthurus tennentii Günther, 1861.
o Thompson's surgeonfish, Acanthurus thompsoni (Fowler, 1923).
o Convict surgeonfish, Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus, 1758).
o Indian Ocean mimic surgeonfish, Acanthurus tristis Randall, 1993.
o Yellowfin surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes, 1835.
• Genus Ctenochaetus
o Twospot surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus binotatus Randall, 1955.
o Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus Randall & Clements, 2001.
o Ctenochaetus flavicauda Fowler, 1938.
o Striped-fin surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus marginatus (Valenciennes, 1835).
o Striated surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus striatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825).
o Kole Tang, Ctenochaetus strigosus (Bennett, 1828).
o Tomini surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus tominiensis Randall, 1955.
o Ctenochaetus truncatus Randall & Clements, 2001.
• Genus Naso
o Whitemargin unicornfish, Naso annulatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825).
o Humpback unicornfish, Naso brachycentron (Valenciennes, 1835).
o Spotted unicornfish, Naso brevirostris (Cuvier, 1829).
o Naso caeruleacauda Randall, 1994.
o Gray unicornfish, Naso caesius Randall & Bell, 1992.
o Elegant unicornfish, Naso elegans (Rüppell, 1829).
o Horseface unicornfish, Naso fageni Morrow, 1954.
o Sleek unicornfish, Naso hexacanthus (Bleeker, 1855).
o Orangespine unicornfish, Naso lituratus (Forster, 1801).
o Elongate unicornfish, Naso lopezi Herre, 1927.
o Naso maculatus Randall & Struhsaker, 1981.
o Squarenose unicornfish, Naso mcdadei Johnson, 2002.
o Slender unicorn, Naso minor (Smith, 1966).
o Naso reticulatus Randall, 2001.
o Oneknife unicornfish, Naso thynnoides (Cuvier, 1829).
o Bulbnose unicornfish, Naso tonganus (Valenciennes, 1835).
o Humpnose unicornfish, Naso tuberosus Lacépède, 1801.
o Bluespine unicornfish, Naso unicornis (Forsskål, 1775).
o Bignose unicornfish, Naso vlamingii (Valenciennes, 1835).
• Genus Paracanthurus
o Palette surgeonfish, Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1766).
• Genus Prionurus
o Biafra doctorfish, Prionurus biafraensis (Blache & Rossignol, 1961).
o Prionurus chrysurus Randall, 2001.
o Razor surgeonfish, Prionurus laticlavius (Valenciennes, 1846).
o Yellowspotted sawtail, Prionurus maculatus (Randall & Struhsaker, 1981).
o Sixplate sawtail, Prionurus microlepidotus Lacépède, 1804.
o Yellowtail surgeonfish, Prionurus punctatus Gill, 1862.
o Scalpel sawtail, Prionurus scalprum Valenciennes, 1835.
• Genus Zebrasoma
o Red Sea sailfin tang, Zebrasoma desjardinii (Bennett, 1836).
o Yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens (Bennett, 1828).
o Spotted tang, Zebrasoma gemmatum (Valenciennes, 1835).
o Longnose surgeonfish, Zebrasoma rostratum (Günther, 1875).
o Twotone tang, Zebrasoma scopas (Cuvier, 1829).
o Sailfin tang, Zebrasoma veliferum (Bloch, 1795).
o Yellowtail tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum (Blyth, 1852).
Etymology and taxonomic history
The name of the family is derived from the Greek words akantha and oura, which loosely translate to "thorn" and "tail", respectively. This refers to the distinguishing characteristic of the family, the "scalpel" found each member's caudal peduncle.
In the early 1900's, the family was called Hepatidae.
In the aquarium
Tangs are very sensitive to disease in the home aquarium. However if the tang is fed enough algae and the aquarium is properly maintained disease should not be a problem. It is usually necessary to quarantine the animals using copper sulfate or formalin for a period of around 2 weeks. (Disputed, copper is lethal to fauna & inverts housed within the Acanthurus stomach. While quarrantine is a requirement, 1 month in a substrate-free holding tank matching display tank parameters is sufficient to eradicate crytocaryon irritans cysts and their offspring. Hyposalinity is a safe, effective treatment for these fish. --TheMcs (talk) 14:58, 13 April 2009 (UTC))
Adults range from 15-40cm (6-15 in.) in length and most grow quickly even in aquariums. When considering a tang for an aquarium it is important to consider the size to which these fish can grow. Larger species such as the popular regal tang (of Finding Nemo fame), Naso or lipstick tang, clown and sohal tangs can grow to 40cm (15 in.) and require swimming room and hiding places.
Many also suggest adding aggressive tangs to the aquarium last as they are territorial and may fight and possibly kill other fish.
Tangs primarily graze on macroalgae, such as caulerpa and gracilias, although they have been observed in an aquarium setting to eat meat-based fish foods. A popular technique for aquarists, is to grow macroalgae in a sump or refugium. This technique not only is economically beneficial, but serves to promote enhanced water quality through nitrate absorption. The growth of the algae can then be controlled by feeding it to the tang.
Friday, May 15, 2009

Native environment
The lionfish is native to the tropical Indo-Pacific region of the world, but various species can be found worldwide. Due to a recent introduction, the lionfish has recently been spotted in the warmer coral regions of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
There are many types of lionfish that vary in size. The common lionfish generally reaches a size of 30-35cm, while smaller lionfish, like the Fuzzy Dwarf, are typically the size of a tennis ball, not including fins. Caution
NOAA encourages everyone (divers and fishers) to be extremely cautious and avoid contact with the venomous spikes of the lionfish. Although they are not deadly, they are very painful. Lionfish are not aggressive toward humans and will almost always keep their distance when given the opportunity, so they pose a relatively low risk.

The lionfish is one of the most venomous fish on the ocean floor. Lionfish have venomous dorsal spines that are used purely for defense. When threatened, the fish often faces its attacker in an upside down posture which brings its spines to bear. However, a lionfish's sting is usually not fatal to humans. If a human is envenomed, that person will experience extreme pain, and possibly headaches, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. A common treatment is soaking the afflicted area in hot water, as very few hospitals carry specific treatments. However, immediate emergency medical treatment is still advised, as some people are more susceptible to the venom than others.
Lionfish are voracious predators. When hunting, they corner prey using their large fins and then use their quick reflexes to swallow the prey whole. In captivity, lionfish can be trained to eat frozen brine shrimp, mysis, and krill.
The lionfish have very few natural predators, but the grouper and other lionfish have been found with lionfish remains in their stomachs.
The genus Pterapogon contains only one other species, P. mirifica from northwestern Australia. However, ongoing studies on the reproductive biology, behaviour, anatomy and preliminary data on molecular studies on P. mirifica (A. Vagelli, pers. comm. on 27th Feb 2007) indicate that it is distantly related to the Banggai Cardinalfish and may in fact merit separate generic status. Therefore the Banggai Cardinalfish may be unique at the generic level.
The Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, is a small reef fish endemic to the Banggai Islands off Sulawesi, Indonesia. This species is distinguished by having a relatively small population size, limited distribution (EOO about 5,500 km², AOO about 34 km² and it has two distinct geographic clades and one small subpopulation introduced accidentally to Sulawesi), plasticity and ontogenetic differences in microhabitat utilization, a social system based upon group living, territorial behavior in both males and females, paired courtship and spawning that is initiated by females, low fecundity, considerable investment in energy resources for reproduction, paternal oral incubation of eggs and free-living embryos, a lack of a pelagic larval phase, limited dispersal capability and localized settlement and recruitment.
Decline Rates
Several subpopulations affected by the aquarium fishery exhibited dramatic declines between 2001 and 2004, among them: a complete extinction of a subpopulation was documented off Limbo Island in 2004. According to a 2001 census this subpopulation was composed of about 50,000 fish (densities = 0.02 fish/m²); and a small subpopulation off Bakakan Island that harbored 6,000 fish in 2001 was reduced to 17 individuals in 2004 (Vagelli 2005).
The rate of decline for this species is difficult to calculate, since the earliest quantitative surveys (2001) were carried out several years after the harvest began within its natural geographic range. However, one subpopulation localized inside a bay in Southwest Banggai Island has been off limits to all fishing since before the beginning of the trade (the bay is privately owned by a pearl farm business). The bay has the typical habitats, microhabitats, and oceanographic characteristics in which P. kauderni is found throughout the Archipelago, and therefore this subpopulation may be used to estimate what the historical baseline abundance for this species could have been. The density of this subpopulation was 0.63 individuals/m²).
This density is significantly higher than the mean density (0.07 individuals/m²) of the eight censuses completed in 2004 in unprotected sites [S = 0.05; highest d= 0.21 (Bokan); lowest d= 0.028 (Bangkulu)]. In addition, a census was carried out about 300 m from the protected bay and the density was 0.071 ind./m² (Lunn and Moreau 2004, Vagelli 2005). If the 0.63 density value is considered as the historical normal density for this species within the Archipelago, then a reduction of approximately 89% took place since the start of the fishery (about 9 to 10 years before the 2004 censuses).
However, at one of these sites (Masoni) the density increased from 0.03 to 0.06 individuals/m² between 2001 and 2004. This increase is thought to have occurred in response to a collecting ban that the local people imposed in early 2003. In another site (Bokan) a more significant increase was found in 2004, i.e., 0.21 individuals/m². In this case too, collection in the census site (which has an area of occupancy of only about 1 km²) was banned in 2002 by the village chief because of disputes with outside collectors (Vagelli 2005).
The size class structure of populations found during the last survey (2004) within the natural range of P. kauderni, agree with those reported previously, where most fish encountered were large juveniles (6 to 9 months old), whereas newly released recruits (<15 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

The decline information is not sufficient to apply Criterion A and likewise Criteria C and D cannot be used because the population is too large. However, based on the very small area of occupancy (AOO), the severe fragmentation (see the documentation below) and the ongoing continuing decline (local extirpations and marked decrease in population size in recent years) due to exploitation for the international aquarium trade, this species is assessed as Endangered under Criterion B.
Pterapogon kauderni is a rare example of a marine fish with an extremely limited geographic range. It is endemic to the Banggai Archipelago, which lies in the Banggai-Sula platform in eastern Indonesia. The Banggai Island group is thought to have been a geological entity during the Cenozoic, and is located within the region of Wallacea. The natural geographic range of P. kauderni extends from 01° 24' 57.6" of latitude South (Monsamat, east Peleng) as its northern most distribution point to 02° 0' 53.5" of latitude South (Loisa A), and from 123° 34' 11" of longitude East (Patipakaman, central Peleng) as its westernmost distribution to approximately 124° 23' 30" of longitude East (Kano) and the south-east tip of Taliabu. This distribution covers an area of approximately 5,500 km². However, within this range, the maximum potential available habitat is about 426 km of coastline extending from the shore to about 100 m off the coast, with a maximum available area of about 34 km² (Vagelli 2005).
The earliest known population survey (2001) identified P. kauderni on 16 out of 37 islands searched. Average densities in suitable habitat at three sites within the Banggai Archipelago were approximately 0.03 fishes per m² (Vagelli and Erdmann 2002). Based on these census data and calculations of the total available habitat, the species was estimated to have a total population size of 1.7 million fish (Vagelli 2002). Additional surveys in 2002 and 2004 covering the entire Archipelago (50 islands, 159 sites) expanded the range to 27 (17 major and 10 minor) islands. Surveys done in 2004 found P. kauderni in most sites at densities of about 200 to 700 individuals/ha. The mean density based on census carried out in seven locations throughout its natural range in 2004 was 0.07 individuals per m², with a total population size estimated at 2.4 million individuals (Vagelli 2005).

Anatomy and appearance
Bichirs are elongated fishes with a distinctive series of up to fifteen dorsal finlets, instead of a single dorsal fin. Each of these finlets have a sharp spine. The body is covered in thick, bonelike, ganoid scales. Their jaw structure more closely resembles that of the tetrapods than that of the teleost fishes. Bichirs have a number of other primitive characteristics, including fleshy pectoral fins superficially similar to those of lobe-finned fishes. They also have spiracles.
Bichirs have rudimentary lungs, which allow them to obtain oxygen from the air when in poorly oxygenated waters, by swimming quickly to the surface and back to the bottom. They are nocturnal, and feed on small vertebrates, crustaceans, and insects.
Bichirs have a maximum body length of 97 centimetres (3.2 ft), although many species do not exceed 35 centimetres (1.1 ft).

Bichirs are popular subjects of public and large hobby aquaria. Though predatory, they are otherwise peaceful and relatively nonactive, preferring to lie on the bottom, and make good tankmates with other species that are large enough not to be prey. Some aquarists note that Loricariid catfish may attack bichirs and suck on their skin.
There are twelve extant species in two genera:
Order Polypteriformes
• Family Polypteridae
o Genus Erpetoichthys
• Reedfish, Erpetoichthys calabaricus Smith, 1865.
o Genus Polypterus
Polypterus ornatipinnis
• Guinean bichir, Polypterus ansorgii Boulenger, 1910.
• Polypterus bichir
• Nile bichir, Polypterus bichir bichir Lacépède, 1803.
• Polypterus bichir katangae Poll, 1941.
• Polypterus bichir lapradei Steindachner, 1869.
• Barred bichir, Polypterus delhezi Boulenger, 1899.
• Polypterus enlicheri
• Polypterus endlicheri congicus Boulenger, 1898.
• Saddled bichir, Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri Heckel, 1847.
• Polypterus mokelembembe Schliewen & Schafer, 2006.
• Ornate bichir, Polypterus ornatipinnis Boulenger, 1902.
• Polypterus palmas
• Polypterus palmas buettikoferi Steindachner, 1891.
• Shortfin bichir, Polypterus palmas palmas Ayres, 1850.
• Polypterus palmas polli Gosse, 1988.
• West African bichir, Polypterus retropinnis Vaillant, 1899.
• Polypterus senegalus
• Polypterus senegalus meridionalis Poll, 1941.
• Gray bichir, Polypterus senegalus senegalus Cuvier, 1829.
• Polypterus teugelsi Britz, 2004.
• Mottled bichir, Polypterus weeksii Boulenger, 1898.
Extinct species include:
• Polypterus faraou Otero et al., 2006 — late Miocene.