Prawn is animal living in water territory, especially river and also sea or lake. Detectable prawn in most all " pond" king sized water either freshwater, brackish water, and also brine at depth varies, near from finite surface some thousand metre below (under surface. Prawn usualy is made seafood (seafood). crustaceae recognized by the name " prawn". For example mantissa shrimp and mysid shrimp, both coming from class Malacostraca as real prawn, but coming from order to differ in, that is Stomatopoda and Mysidaceae. Triops longicaudatus and Triops cancriformis also is popular animal in freshwater, and often is called as prawn, although they come from Notostraca, group that is is not berhubunganUdang became adult and lays eggs only in sea-water habitat. Solvent female of egg 50000 finite of 1 million eggs, which will hatch after 24 hours to become larva ( nauplius). Nauplius then having metamorphosis enters second phase that is zoea ( plural of zoeae). Zoea eats wild algae. After a few days is having metamorphosis again becomes mysis ( plural of myses). Mysis eats algae and zooplankton. After three to four days then they are having metamorphosis last enters phase postlarvae: young prawn which has owned adult animal marking. All process eats time around 12 days from first time hatchs. At this phase, conducting prawn ready for commercialized, and conceived of fry.In wild nature, postlarvae then migration to estuari, a real rich nutrition would and having salinity low. Over there they growed and sometimes migration again to open water where they became adult. Adult prawn is animal bentik which mainly lives in sea floor.